
Depok – Menteri Pertanian Syahrul Yasin Limpo meminta desain skema pembangunan pertanian untuk komoditi tanaman pangan dibuat dengan inovasi dan terobosan guna mewujudkan reformasi pertanian, intensifikasi produksi, dan peningkatan akses pasar. Pasalnya, menghadapi menghadapi tantangan global 2023 yang berdampak langsung terhadap sektor pertanian, komoditas pangan tak boleh bersoal namun harus mampu meningkat.
“Sesuai arahan Presiden Joko Widodo, penguatan pasca panen harus diperkuat, hilirisasi budidaya produksi pertanian diperkuat dengan produk turunan. Ini jadi tugasmu Pak Dirjen Tanaman Pangan dan besok tidak ada provinsi yang tidak ada produk hilirisasi karena nilai jual komoditi pertanian yang sudah diolah bisa naik mencapai 40 persen,” kata Menteri Pertanian Syahrul Yasin Limpo dalam Rapat Kerja Nasional (Rakernas) Direktorat Jenderal Tanaman Pangan Tahun 2023 di Depok, (26/1/23).
SYL menegaskan untuk mewujudkan hasil pembangunan pertanian yang optimal di tahun 2023, harus melakukan perencanaan pembangunan pertanian untuk tanaman pangan pada tiap komoditas dengan detail dan matang, tidak ada spekulasi di dalamnya. Data dan perencanaan yang sudah disusun, diaktualisasikan di lapangan satu per satu disetiap provinsi dengan pengawasan sehingga hasil bisa terukur.
Sesuai data Badan Pusat Statistika (BPS) menyebutkan pada Triwulan (TW) II 2020, PDB Sektor Pertanian tumbuh positif 16,24 persen (q to q) dan terus berlanjut pada 2022. Nilai Tukar Petani (NTP) terus membaik, bahkan pada bulan Maret 2022 mencapai 109,29 tertinggi pada tahun 2022. Namun, tantangan pangan tahun 2023 semakin sulit. Untuk itu, mengajak semua jajaran pertanian juga aktif mengantisipasinya melalui strategi mitigasi dan adaptasi serta lakukan kolaborasi antara pusat, daerah, perbankan dan para stakeholder yang lain dalam rangka menyikapi ancaman krisis pangan dan mengembangkan pertanian yang tahan (resilience) terhadap perubahan iklim.
Suwandi Direktur Jenderal Tanaman Pangan mengungkapkan ada 10 langkah tanaman pangan presisi 2023 yakni TIK dan indeks pertanaman (IP) 400 atau panen 4 kali setahun, milenial konsolidasi kelompok tani, digitasi poligon lahan CPCL, pemanfaatan benih unggul 6 tepat, penggunaan pupuk organik dan penghematan pupuk kimia. Kemudian pemanfaatan biosaka elisitor, mekanisasi hulu-hilir, Pengendalian Hama Terpadu (PHT) ramah lingkungan, panen menekan losses, dan avalis akses KUR.
Sumber : Kementerian Pertanian RI
Bahasa : Language
Depok – Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo asked the design of agricultural development schemes for food crop commodities to be made with innovations and breakthroughs to realize agricultural reform, intensify production, and increase market access. The reason is, in facing the global challenges in 2023 that directly impact the agricultural sector, food commodities must not be questionable but must be able to increase.
“In accordance with President Joko Widodo’s direction, post-harvest strengthening must be strengthened, downstream cultivation of agricultural production is strengthened with derivative products. This is your duty, Director General of Food Plantation and tomorrow there will be no province without downstream products because the selling value of processed agricultural commodities can increase up to 40 percent,” said Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo in the National Working Meeting (Rakernas) of Directorate General of Food Plantation in 2023 in Depok, (26/1/23).
SYL emphasized that to realize optimal agricultural development results in 2023, agricultural development planning for food crops in each commodity must be detailed and mature, with no speculation in it. Data and planning that has been compiled, actualized in the field one by one in each province with supervision so that the results can be measured.
According to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), in Quarter (TW) II 2020, the GDP of the Agricultural Sector grew positively by 16.24 percent (q to q) and continued in 2022. The Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) continues to improve, even in March 2022 reaching 109.29 the highest in 2022. However, food challenges in 2023 will become more difficult. For this reason, we invite all levels of agriculture to also actively anticipate it through mitigation and adaptation strategies and collaborate between the center, regions, banks and other stakeholders in order to address the threat of a food crisis and develop agriculture that is resilient to climate change.
Suwandi, Director General of Food Crops, revealed that there are 10 steps for precision food crops in 2023, namely ICT and cropping index (IP) 400 or harvesting 4 times a year, millennial consolidation of farmer groups, digitisation of CPCL land polygons, utilization of 6 appropriate superior seeds, use of organic fertilizers and savings on chemical fertilizers. Then the use of biosaka elisitor, upstream-downstream mechanization, environmentally friendly Integrated Pest Management (IPM), harvesting to reduce losses, and KUR access avalis.
Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia